Ntokozo Mbambo - Fill Us Again

Fill Us Again
Ntokozo Mbambo - Fill Us Again

Ntokozo Mbambo - Fill Us Again Mp3 Download

Ntokozo Mbambo, a renowned figure in African Christian music, enters with a soul-stirring sound. Fill Us Again is the name of preacher Ntokozo Mbambo' most recent song.

This is the type of music that one should be listening to since it is filled with eternal life—kind God's of life, not any other sort. Get the tune down below right away, then spread it along to everyone.

The already popular song, which boasts a lovely melody and mesmerizing vocals, was live-recorded and will appear on their upcoming Honest Offering album.

  • Author: Leo Ifeanyi
  • Artist(s): Ntokozo Mbambo
  • Track: Fill Us Again
  • Music category: Audio/mpeg
  • Released Date: 2023

Fill Us Again by Ntokozo Mbambo can be heard here. Comment below with your thoughts.

Additionally, listening to relaxing music before bed can aid in body and mind relaxation, which promotes better sleep.

Without further ado, be sure to download the gospel songs by clicking the link below, and be sure to share them with your loved ones.

Lyrics Here:

Fill us up with

Fill us up with more of you
Fill us up with more of you
Fill us up with more of you
We are thirsty for you

Fill us up with more of you
Fill us up with more of you
Fill us up with more of you
We are thirsty
We are thirsty for you

Fill us
Fill us up with more of you
Fill us up with
Fill us up with more of you
Would you fill us up with
Fill us up with more of you
We are thirsty
We are thirsty for you

Fill us up with more
Fill us up with more of you
Fill us up with more of you
Fill us up with
Fill us up with more of you
We are thirsty for you

Fill us again
Fill us again
Fill us again
We’re desperate for a revival

Fill us again
Fill us again
Fill us again
Cause we’re desperate for a revival

Fill us again
Fill us again
Fill us again
Fill us again.
Would you fill us again?
Fill us again
We’re desperate for
We’re desperate for a revival.

Would you fill us again?
Fill us again.
That’s our hearts cry
Fill us again.
Would you fill us again?
Fill us again
We’re desperate
We’re desperate for a revival

Come on, sing it from the depths of you heart
Fill us again

Fill us again
Would you do it again God
Fill us again.
Do what only you can do
Fill us again
God, we’re desperate
We’re desperate for a revival

Fill us again
Fill us again
We need a refilling
Fill us again
We need a renewing
Fill us again
Oh God, we’re desperate
We’re desperate for a revival.

Hey, fill us again
Fill us again
Fill us again
Fill us again
Would you fill us again?
Fill us again
Oh, we’re desperate
We’re desperate for a revival.

Would you do it again?
Fill us again
Like the day in Pentecost
Fill us again
What you did for your children
Fill us again
Oh, we’re desperate
We’re desperate for a revival.

We need a fresher pouring
Fill us again
Would you fill us again?
Fill us again
We need you
Fill us again
Oh, we’re desperate for a revival
We’re desperate for a revival

A revival in our lives
Fill us again
A revival in our churches
Fill us again
We need a revival in our churches
Fill us again
Let the Kingdom of God rise
We’re desperate for a revival

We’re desperate for a revival
Desperate for a revival

We’re desperate for a revival
Desperate for a revival

We’re desperate for a revival
Desperate for a revival

Would you send us a revival?
Desperate for a revival

Send your revival
Desperate for a revival

Send a revival
Desperate for a revival

Would you send
Desperate for a revival

We need a revival
Desperate for a revival

Send forth your revival
Desperate for a revival

We need you
Desperate for a revival

Every hour
Desperate for a revival

Oh, bless me now, my saviour
Desperate for a revival

As the deer pants for the water
Desperate for a revival

So our souls long for you
Desperate for a revival

We’re desperate, we’re desperate, we’re desperate, we’re desperate
We’re desperate for a revival


We’re desperate for a revival

Desperate for a revival


Thine the glory




Thine the glory

Revive us again

Revive us again

Revive us again

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